Huhtikuun Lapin taiteilijaseuran Kuukauden Taiteilija Korundin kahviossa 1.4.2021 – 30.4.2021, Michael Marnin Jacobs
A Heavy Sea
A heavy sea
between you and me
you … calm, nurturing, loving
yet melancholy
me … always melancholy
A heavy sea
between me and you, you see
No eye of the storm
no edge that is known
no place where to sit, to think, to ponder
or to grieve
A calm sea
that took you
A heavy sea
that takes me as it will
that sets me free
yet trapped in history
In loving memory of my mother, 1925-2020
Taiteilijan yhteystiedot:
Korundi Kitchen & Café
Lounasravintola ja taidekahvila suljettuna 8-28.3.2021
Kulttuuritalo Korundi avoinna ti-pe 11-18, la-su 11-16